会社概要 About us
設立 The date of foundation |
2012年3月16日 |
代表者 President |
代表取締役 田中 徳裕 |
業務内容 Business |
市場調査および市場参入サーポート 輸入卸販売および小売り ITコンサルティング業務 |
所在地について About our address |
弊社の業務には販売活動を除き社屋を必要としません。従いまして下記は登記上の本店所在地です。 We do not need office room/building except our retail sales. Therefore, the address below is only for the registration of the company. |
本店所在地 Address |
〒112-0013東京都文京区大塚6-11-19パレドノール101 Palais d'Honneur 101, Otsuka 6-11-19, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0012, JAPAN Google Mapをご覧下さい。 |
企業理念 The corporate philosophy
This is our belief that our life is the pusute of happiness. We contribute to the pursuit of happiness of all our stake holders and society through our corporate activities by all together
行動指針 Mission Statement
Find the best solutions for anything in our business. Because our profit and growth come from our wisdom.
Be profitable to continue business. But our profit should be the result of customer satisfaction.
Do consider what is "our contribution" to our stake holders if we faced any issues.
登記および許可 Qualifications
Corpate Number (to National Tax Agency page)